Thank you for selecting Omaha Mobile Stage to be a part of your event!

To move forward with your stage rental, please complete the follow:

  1. Read and sign this agreement.

  2. Share this agreement with your event production staff so they know what to expect.

  3. Email with the following: (1) site map for truck placement, (2) name and phone number of your event’s security vendor, and (3) certificate of insurance (see below for insurance requirements).

  4. Marketing support. If you would like us to publicize your event, send your marketing materials to as soon as possible.

  5. Production services. If we are running sound on your event, at least 1 week prior to your event, please email to the following: (1) stage schedule, and (2) stage plots and input lists for all your acts.

Omaha Mobile Stage Truck Rental and Use Agreement

This agreement is made between Partners for Livable Omaha and the “Renter” for the rental and use of the Omaha Mobile Stage truck (the “Stage”).

Rental Fee and Damages

Rental Fee. Renter shall pay Partners for a Livable Omaha a rental fee. The Renter is liable for any damages that may occur during the rental period. An additional invoice will be issued to for any and all damages. 

Damage Charges. Following a closing inspection, Partners for a Livable Omaha shall determine damage charges that may include, but are not limited to:

Cleaning or repair of Stage floor (due to excessive scuff marks, dirt, spills, etc.) for $50 minimum

Cleaning or repair of the interior Stage doors or walls (due to dents, scuff marks, dirt, tape residue, etc.) for $50 minimum

Damage to the Stage due to abnormal use or excessive force for $500 minimum

Damage to the Stage’s mechanical or electrical systems for $200 minimum

Marketing Support 

OMS Calendar and Monthly Email. If you’d like us to co-market your event, please send your marketing images and text to The venue’s monthly email and website are a great community resource. 

Social Media. Feel free to link to OMS online marketing resources when appropriate, such as and @omahamobilestage or #omahamobilestage on Instagram and Facebook. 

Facebook Events. If you invite Omaha Mobile Stage to cohost your event on Facebook it will reach our audience.

Signage and Electrical

Signage and Banners. Your rental includes a red velvet stage skirt on the stage. Renter shall use only temporary signage or banners on the stage doors. The stage doors are each approximately 8 feet wide. If you opt to provide your own stage front signage, the stage width is 16 feet wide and stage front banners should be no longer than 3 feet (stage to ground height). 

Renter shall not add banners, signs, or posters using permanent or difficult to remove tapes or glues.

Electrical. The renter is responsible for providing a power source to power the stage’s electrical panel. 

Rules, Policies, and Procedures

General.  Rentals are on a first come first serve basis and can be made up to one year in advance.

At all times when the Stage is in use, Renter shall strictly obey all local ordinances regarding noise, traffic, parades, etc. 

Partners for Livable Omaha reserves the right to refuse rental of the Stage under any conditions deemed to be potentially hazardous to the stage or its operators, or any event not deemed in the best interest of Partners for Livable Omaha or the general public. 

Site Selection. Renter shall place Stage on a flat surface. If the site is on grass, Renter shall indicate a secondary site in case of rain or wet conditions. 

Renter shall ensure the event area will be clear of low hanging branches and overhead power cables/wires to allow for entry/exit access. 

Partners for Livable Omaha shall place the Stage at the location specified by the Renter. Renter may also make any changes to placement with the driver at the time of delivery.

Staffing. Renter shall provide at least one representative to assist with set up and take down procedures.

Partners for Livable Omaha retains the right to close the stage for any reason if there is potential danger to the equipment or staff, i.e. inclement weather, wind gusts in excess of 25 mph, or unruly behavior of the crowd or performers.  

Renter shall have a representative present at the site at delivery to assist with placement.

Access and Restrictions. Renter shall ensure Partners for Livable Omaha personnel have immediate access to the Stage at all times in case of inclement weather. Renter shall close the doors and Stage during heavy rain showers, or during high winds (25 mph or higher).  

Renter shall restrict access by the general public to Stage while in use. Unrestricted access to the Stage by the public is prohibited. 

Renter shall not allow food and drink (with the exception of water) on the Stage.

Outside Equipment. All equipment or materials placed by the Renter shall be placed in a manner to allow Partners for Livable Omaha personnel access to the Stage doors and backstage panels.

Renter shall not place equipment near the Stage that will prevent closure of the stage and doors during periods of high winds (greater than 25 mph) or severe weather. 

Renter shall lift equipment onto the Stage because dragging equipment results in damage to the floor surface. Partners for Livable Omaha shall assess damage fees if damage is determined by Partners for Livable Omaha personnel. 

Partners for Livable Omaha Equipment. The care and handling of all Partners for Livable Omaha equipment is the sole responsibility of the Partners for Livable Omaha Stage staff. When the Partners for Livable Omaha sound system is used, it shall be set up and removed from the stage by Partners for Livable Omaha staff only.  

Clean up and Inspections. Cleanup shall be the Renter’s responsibility. If the Stage is not cleaned to Partners for Livable Omaha personnel specification, additional fees will be assessed. 

Partners for Livable Omaha shall conduct an inspection of the Stage upon delivery and at the end of the event (prior to door closing) to identify any damage to the Stage. Renter or its designated representative shall be present during the opening and closing inspections. 

Partners for Livable Omaha personnel shall record damage(s) and will have determination regarding damage. Partners for Livable Omaha personnel have final say if Renter or Renter’s designated representative is not available. 

Event Security.  Renter accepts full responsibility for event and site security and shall provide adequate event and site security.

Damage. Renter accepts full responsibility and agrees to be liable for any and all damage to the Stage from the time the Renter’s personnel and/or equipment go onto the Stage until the time all of the Renter’s personnel and/or equipment are off the Stage and the Stage is inspected by Partners for Livable Omaha.

The Renter shall be liable for all damages, abnormal wear and tear, and any extra cleaning to the Omaha Mobile Stage. 

Rain Outs. Partners for Livable Omaha shall not deliver or set up the Stage up during periods of inclement weather. If cancellation of the rental is necessary due to inclement weather, Partners for Livable Omaha shall issue a refund check within two (2) weeks following the event date.

Multiple Day Rental. Partners for Livable Omaha shall deliver and set up the Stage on the day of its use, and remove the Stage at the end of each day, unless adequate security is provided to prevent tampering or vandalism. 

Renter shall provide an overnight security plan for any overnight rentals. If the plan is deemed insufficient, the Stage will be returned to its storage location for the night. All overnight rentals require complete closure of the Stage by Partners for Livable Omaha personnel after the activities have concluded for the day. 

Insurance Requirements. Renter shall procure with a company licensed to do business in the State of Nebraska, public liability insurance with policy limits of at least $1,000,000 per person and $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury or death and property damage. The policy for such insurance shall expressly include Partners for Livable Omaha as an "Additional Insured" party. Coverage shall be primary to the Additional Insureds and not contributing with any other insurance or similar protection available to the Additional Insureds whether other available coverage be primary, contributing or excess.  A copy of the policy or a certificate evidencing the existence thereof shall be delivered to Partners for Livable Omaha at least two (2) weeks prior to event.

Renter shall, if applicable, procure with a company licensed to do business in the State of Nebraska, worker’s compensation/employer’s liability insurance during the course of the Agreement with minimum limits of $1,000,000.

All insurance maintained by Renter pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall contain a waiver of subrogation rights in respect of any liability imposed by this Agreement on Renter as against Partners for Livable Omaha. Renter shall hold Partners for Livable harmless from and shall bear the expense of any applicable deductible amounts provided for by any of the insurance policies required to be maintained under this Agreement.  In the event of loss, Renter shall promptly pay the deductible amount or the applicable portion thereof to the insurance carrier.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the fact that a loss may not be covered by insurance provided by Renter under this Agreement, or, if covered, is subject to deductibles, conditions or limitations shall not affect Renter’s liability for any loss. Should Renter fail to procure or pay the cost of maintaining in force the insurance specified herein, or to provide Partners for Livable Omaha upon request with satisfactory evidence of the insurance, Partners for Livable Omaha may, but shall not be obliged to, procure the insurance and Renter shall reimburse Partners for Livable Omaha on demand for its costs.  Lapse or cancellation of the required insurance shall be deemed to be an immediate and automatic default of this Agreement. 


Weather. If cancellation of the rental is necessary due to inclement weather, Partners for Livable Omaha shall issue a full refund within two (2) weeks following the event date. 

Safety. Partners for Livable Omaha reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time prior to the event should the stage experience any mechanical or electrical failures, or be deemed unsafe for use. Partners for Livable Omaha also reserves the right to cancel this agreement should the anticipated event capacity exceed the Renter’s ability to provide public safety measures, and event security. In the event of a cancellation by Partners for Livable Omaha, the Renter will receive a full refund of any deposit or rental fees paid within two (2) weeks of the cancellation. 

Cancellation by Renter. For cancellations made by the Renter prior to fifteen (15) days of the event date, Partners for Livable Omaha shall issue a refund check for the full amount of any deposit or rental fees paid. Refund will be issued within two (2) weeks following the cancellation. For cancellations within fourteen (14) days of the event date, the Renter forfeits 50% of the total amount pre-paid.


To the fullest extent permitted by Law, the Renter, its representatives, users and participants shall indemnify and hold harmless Partners for Livable Omaha, their agents, officers and employees, their successors and assigns, individually or collectively, from and against all liability and to waive any and all claims, rights, damages or cause of action of any nature whatsoever that the Renter, its representatives, users and participants may have arising from the rental and use of the Omaha Mobile Stage. This includes, but is not limited to, attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting from the rental of the Omaha Mobile Stage, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or  destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefore, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by  any negligent act or omission of the Renter, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Renter, or anyone for whose acts the Renter may be liable.

This agreement confirms the terms and conditions to which you, the Renter, agree to rent the Omaha Mobile Stage provided by Partners for Livable Omaha.

I have read, understand and agree to each of the foregoing terms and conditions of this Rental Agreement. I further agree that Renter, its representatives, users and its participants will obey and adhere to the rules, policies and procedures for rental use, hereinabove.